Ro-vibrational Population of CS from CS2 Photodissociation
Graphical Abstract
The rotational and vibrational population of nascent CS(X1Σ+) fragment, produced from dissociation of CS21B2(1Σ+u) at 210.27 nm, were studiedwith laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) spectrum in the wavelength range of 250.5 to 286.5 nm. Itwas found thatthe vibrational population of CS(X1Σ+) consists oftwo parts, correspondingtothe contributions fromtwo dissociation channels, CS(X1Σ+)+S(3PJ) and CS(X1Σ+)+S(1B2). The dissociation channel branching ratio, S(3PJ)/S(1B2), was determined to be 5.6±1.2 from the population. Additionally, the rotational population of some vibrational states (v″= 1, 4~8) of CS(X1Σ+) were obtained fromthe rotationally resolved LIF spectrum, and were found to be non-Boltzmanian.