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    Dong Yaming. Electrical Properties of LB multilayers of DDAC (II)—Charge Decay[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics , 2000, 13(6): 726-730. DOI: 1003-7713/2000/06-0726-05
    Citation: Dong Yaming. Electrical Properties of LB multilayers of DDAC (II)—Charge Decay[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics , 2000, 13(6): 726-730. DOI: 1003-7713/2000/06-0726-05

    Electrical Properties of LB multilayers of DDAC (II)—Charge Decay

    • Many different properties of floating and deposited DDAC films have been introduced,especiallyintroduced the nonlinear variation of conductance on DODAC multilayers. As a fabric softener,thecapability of dissipating static charge which obtained by using a Scorotron arrangement,is also very important.In this paper,another electrical property charge decay under different relative humidities(RH)is reported. The percolation theory applied in previous paper is again employed here to interpret the nonlinearrelationship between charge decay and RH. The experimental data show that there are two steps forthe decay;the first step is quite fast within the initial 30 min,after that is a rather slow step. AlthoughDDAC is an insulating material,it has very strong ability to absorb moisture from the atmosphere,thismakes DDAC a better conductance than polyester. According to the measurement of electrical propertiesof DDAC,it is not only a very good fabric softener but also a good conducting material under the conditionsof high relative humidities.
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