The Capacitance of Nanoparticles
Graphical Abstract
The capacitance of nanoparticles is a very important parameter for the new kind of single -electron devices which are formed by nanoparticle quantum dot arry. Based on the few - body theory,thetheoretical model about quantum dot capacitance of nanoparticles are put forward. From this view,themaximum nanopariticle sizes,in which the room temperature single - electronics phenomena can still beobserved,have been forecasted. By means of harmonic potential model,the capacitance of semiconductornanoparticles CdS,PbS have been Simulated. The Simulation results show the maxinums of CdS,PbSnanoparticle sizes are 11 nm and 5 nm,respectively. The theoretical simulation results are in agreementwith experimentals.