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    Pan Haibo, H. Suematsu, H. Yamauchi. A New Phase Transition of α-quartz GeO2 by Molecular Dynamics Simulation[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics , 2000, 13(6): 666-672. DOI: 1003-7713/2000/06-0666-07
    Citation: Pan Haibo, H. Suematsu, H. Yamauchi. A New Phase Transition of α-quartz GeO2 by Molecular Dynamics Simulation[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics , 2000, 13(6): 666-672. DOI: 1003-7713/2000/06-0666-07

    A New Phase Transition of α-quartz GeO2 by Molecular Dynamics Simulation

    • Pressure - induced amorphization inα- quartz GeO2 has been investigated using constant -pressure molecular dynamics(MD)calculations with two - body potential. Interatomic potential functions of our new model are composed of Coulomb force,Short - range repulsion,van der Waals force,and Morse interactions. The calculations were carried out by an improved MD simulation program with a quantum correction(QC). Both the static properties and crystal - to - amorphous phase transition were very well reproduced. Through an analysis of the molar volume,angular correlation functions,pair correlation functions,change of the coordination number,we predict new structural transitions forα- quartz GeO2 when pressure over 6. 0GPa at room temperature,the new phase comprise mixed arrays of fourfold(33%)and sixfold(66%)Ge - O coordination.
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