Theoretical Study of Rg·NO (Rg=He, Ne, Ar and Kr) Complexes
Graphical Abstract
Rg·NO (Rg=He, Ne, Ar and Kr) complexes were studied using ab initio calculations. The neutral Rg·NO complex geometry and vibrational frequencies were calculated with the cc-pVDZ basis set at the CCSD(T) level of theory. The calculations show that the geometry of the Rg·NO complexes is a skewed T-shape with the Rg atom on the oxygen side of the NO molecule, and that the RgNO bond angle increases with mass. The dissociation energies (DE) and ionization energies (IE) of the neutral Rg·NO complexes, and the dissociation energies of Rg·NO+ ionic complexes were calculated using Gaussian-2 (G2) methods and a high accuracy energy model. The ionization energies of the neutral Rg·NO complexes range from 9.265 eV for He·NO to 9.132 eV for Kr·NO and the dissociation energies of Rg·NO+ range from 0.017 eV for He·NO+ to 0.156 eV for Kr·NO+, in line with the expectation based on the increasing polarizability of the Rg atom.