Effect of Thermal Defocusing on Backward Stimulated Raman Scattering in CH4
Graphical Abstract
The conversion efficiency of stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) in CH4 is studied by using a single longitudinal mode second-harmonic Nd:YAG laser (532 nm, linewidth 0.003 cm-1, pulse-width (FWHM) 6.5 ns).Due to the heat release from vibrationally excited particles, SRS processes often suffer from the thermal defocusing effect (TDE). In view of 6.5 ns laser pulse width is much shorter than the vibrational relaxation time of CH4 molecules, TDE can only affect the SRS processes afterwards. In the cases of low laser repetition, TDE will be not serious, because it will be removed by the thermal diffusion in Raman medium before the next pulse arrives. At the laser repetition rate 2 Hz, CH4 pressure 1.1 MPa and pump laser energy 95 m J, the quantum conversion efficiency of backward first-Stokes (BS1) has attained 73%. This represents the highest first-stokes conversion efficiency in CH4. Furthermore, due to the relaxation oscillation, the BS1pulses are narrowed to about 1.2 ns. As a result, the BS1 peak power turns out to be 2.7 times that of the pump. Its beam quality is also much better and is only slightly affected by TDE. This reason is that BS1 represents a wave-front-reversed replica of the pump beam, which can compensate the thermal distortions in Raman amplify process. Under the same conditions, but pump laser repetition rate as 10 Hz, the conversion efficiency of BS1 goes down to 36% due to TDE. From this study, we expect that a well-behaved 630 nm Raman laser may be designed by using a closed CH4/He circulating-cooling system, which may have some important applications.