New Observation of Na2 43Σ+g State by Pulsed Perturbation Facilitated Optical-Optical Double Resonance Spectroscopy
Graphical Abstract
Sixty-five new vibronic levels of the Na2 43Σ+g state have been observed in the 33900-35200 cm-1 energy region above the potential minimum of the ground state by pulsed perturbation facilitated optical-optical double resonance (PFOODR) fluorescence excitation spectroscopy. These new data fill the gap between the low-v levels mainly observed by continuous wave (CW) PFOODR spectroscopy and the high-v levels above the 3s+3d limit observed by pulsed PFOODR with predissociation detection. Molecular constants are fitted below potential shelf around the 3s+3d atomic limit with previously published data (mainly observed by CW PFOODR) and these new data. RKR potential curve has been calculated with the new constants. The constants are: Te = 32127:090 cm-1, we = 121:4099(0:20720) cm-1, Be = 0:116287(0:0002300) cm-1, Re =3:551 ?. An error of the RKR potential curve of J. Chem. Phys. 108, 7707 (1998) is corrected.