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    Zi-bin Zhou, Hua-yu Li, Yong-jun Xie. Simulation Study on Translocation of Confined Chain Through Interacting Nanopore[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics , 2012, 25(3): 308-312. DOI: 10.1088/1674-0068/25/03/308-312
    Citation: Zi-bin Zhou, Hua-yu Li, Yong-jun Xie. Simulation Study on Translocation of Confined Chain Through Interacting Nanopore[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics , 2012, 25(3): 308-312. DOI: 10.1088/1674-0068/25/03/308-312

    Simulation Study on Translocation of Confined Chain Through Interacting Nanopore

    • The translocation of a confined polymer chain through an interacting nanopore has been studied using two-dimensional bond fluctuation model with Monte Carlo dynamics. For different pore-polymer interaction, the average escaping time〈Τesc〉of the polymer chain through the nanopore, increases roughly linearly with the chain length and the nanopore length, respectively. However, the large repulsive and attractive pore-polymer interaction adds the difficulty of the monomers of the chain entering and leaving the nanopore, respec-tively, leading to the nonmonotonical dependence of〈Τesc〉on the pore-polymer interaction. The detailed translocation dynamics of the chain through the interacting nanopore is inves-tigated too.
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