Atomistic Model of Uranium
Graphical Abstract
The electronic state and potential data of U2 molecules are performed by first principle calculations with B3LYP hybrid exchange-correlation functional, the valence electrons of U atom are treated with the (5s4p3d4f)/3s3p2d2f contraction basis sets, and the cores are approximated with the relativistic effective core potential. The results show that the ground electronic state is X9∑+g . The pair potential data are fitted with a Murrell-Sorbie analytical potential function. The U-U embedded atom method (EAM) interatomic potential is deter-mined based on the generalized gradient approximation calculation within the framework of the density functional theory using Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof exchange-correlation functional at the spin-polarized level. The physical properties, such as the cohesive energy, the lattice constant, the bulk modulus, the shear modulus, the sc/fcc relative energy, the hcp/fcc rela-tive energy, the shear modulus and the monovacancy formation energy are used to evaluate the EAM potential parameters. The U-U pair potential determined by the first principle calculations is in agreement with that defined by the EAM potential parameters. The EAM calculated formation energy of the monovacancy in the fcc structure is also found to be in close agreement with DFT calculation.