Inverse Halogen Bonds Interactions Involving Br Atom in the Electronic Deficiency Systems of CH3⊕ … Br-Y (Y=H, CCH, CN, NC)
Graphical Abstract
Inverse halogen bonds interactions involving Br in the electronic deficiency sys-tems of CH3⊕…Br-Y (Y=H, CCH, CN, NC) have been investigated by B3LYP/6-311++G(d, p) and MP2/6-311++G(d, p) methods. The calculated interaction energies with basis set super-position error correction of the four IXBs com-plexes are 218.87, 219.48, 159.18, and 143.05 kJ/mol (MP2/6-311++G(d, p)), re-spectively. The relative stabilities of the four complexes increased in the order:CH3⊕…BrCN3⊕…BrNC3⊕…BrH≈CH3⊕…BrCCH. Natural bond orbital theory analysis and the chemical shifts calculation of the related atoms revealed that the charges flow from Br-Y to CH3⊕. Here, the Br of Br-Y acts as both a halogen bond donor and an electron donor. Therefore, compared with conventional halogen bonds, the IXBs complexes formed between Br-Y and CH3⊕. Atoms-in-molecules theory has been used to investigate the topological properties of the critical points of the four IXBs structures which have more covalent content.