Cavity Ringdown Spectroscopy of PH2 Radical in 465-555 nm
Graphical Abstract
Absorption spectra of jet-cooled PH2 radicals were recorded in the wavelength range of 465-555 nm using cavity ringdown spectroscopy. The PH2 radicals were produced in a supersonic jet by pulsed direct current discharge of a mixture of PH3 and SF6 in argon. Seven vibronic bands with fine rotational structures have been observed and assigned as 000、2n0、2n1(n=1-3) bands of the ?2A1- Χ2B1 electronic transition. Rotational assignments and rotational term values for each band were re-identified, and the molecular parameters including rotational constants, centrifugal distortion constants, and spin-rotation interaction constants were also improved with reasonably high precision. In addition, large perturbations observed in each quantum number of total angular momentum of the a axis level of the excited vibronic stateswere briefly discussed.