Detection of OH Radical in the Photodissociation of p-Aminobenzoic Acid at 266 nm
Graphical Abstract
Photodissociation of p-aminobenzoic acid at 266 nm was investigated by probing the nascent OH photoproduct employing the laser-induced fluorescence technique. It was found that the nascent OH radical was vibrationally cold and its rotational state distribution conformed to be a Boltzmann behavior, characterized by a rotational temperature of 1040±110 K. The rotational energy of OH was determined to be 8.78±0.84 kJ/mol. Between the two spinorbit states of OH, 2Π3/2 and 2Π1/2, the former was found to be preferentially populated.The distribution of the Π(A′) state for the Λ-doublet was dominant. Finally, a probable mechanism for the formation of OH produced from the photodissociation of p-aminobenzoic acid is discussed.