C2H2 Overtones Near 12300 cm-1 Revisited with a Very Sensitive Cavity Ring-down Spectrometer
Graphical Abstract
A cavity ring-down spectrometer (CRDS) is constructed with a single-mode continuous-waveTi:Sapphire laser. It allows attaining a minimum detectable absorption of 1.8×10-10 cm-1.The spectrometer is applied to record the overtone spectrum of 12C2H2 in the 12240-12350 cm-1. Compared with the previous CRDS and intra-cavity laser absorption spec-troscopy studies in the same region, the present measurement achieved better sensitivity and better precision as well. As a result, the ro-vibrational parameters of the high overtone bands of acetylene at 12290.12, 12311.82, and 12350.61 cm-1 have been refined. The advantages of the present CRD spectrometer is also demonstrated by the newly observed and well characterized perturbation on the f component of the very weak band near 12289 cm-1. The quantitative measurement capability of the spectrometer is verified with the measurement of the water lines and employed to give the absolute band intensities of those three acetylene bands.