Rate Constants for Reaction Between Hydroxyl Radical and Dimethyl Sulfide Under Real Atmospheric Condition
Graphical Abstract
The rate constants of the reaction between hydroxyl radical (OH?) and dimethyl sulfide (DMS) were in-vestigated by using the relative methods in air, N2, and O2. Strong influences of ground state oxygenO(3P) on DMS consumption were found by the photolysis of HONO and CH3ONO as OH?sources, and the rate constants obtained in these systems varied significantly. The rate constants of the reaction between DMS and OH?(generated by photolysis of H2O2) at room temperature were 8.56×10-12, 11.31×10-12, and 4.50×10-12cm3/(molecule?s), in air, O2, and N2, respectively. The temperature dependence of the rateconstants for OH? with DMS over the temperature range of 287-338 K was also investigated in nitrogen and air, and the Arrhenius expression was obtained as follows: kair=(7.24±0.28)×10-13exp(770.7±97.2)/T,kN2=(3.40±0.15)×10-11exp-(590.3±165.9)/T.