Density Functional Theory Study of Structure and Electronic Properties ofMgBen (n=2-12) Clusters
Graphical Abstract
Determinations of the lowest energy structures and electronic properties of MgBen (n=2-12) clusters werecarried out by using density-functional theory. It was found that MgBe3 and MgBe9 clusters with higherbinding energy and larger HOMO-LUMO gap are more stable than the neighboring clusters. The electronicproperties from van der Waals to covalent and bulk metallic behavior in MgBen (n=2-12) clusters arediscussed with the evolution of the size, and the data indicates Magnesium-doped Beryllium clusters alreadyearly appear some metallic-like features than host Ben clusters. By analyzing electronic properties of MgBen(n=2-12) clusters, it can be concluded that Mg-doped reduces the stabilities of Be clusters.