Near-UV Photodissociation Dynamics of Thiomethoxy Radical via eA2A1 State: H-atom Product Channe
Graphical Abstract
Photodissociation dynamics of jet-cooled thiomethoxy radical (CH3S) via the eA2A1? eX2E transition is investigated near 352 nm. The H-atom product channel is observed directly for the ˉrst time by H-atom product yield spectrum and photofragment translational spectroscopy. The 2132 vibrational level of the eA2A1 state dissociates to the H+H2CS products. The H+H2CS product translational energy release is modest and peaks around 33 kJ/mol; the H-atom angular distribution is isotropic. The dissociation mechanism is consistent with internal conversion of the excited eA2A1 state to the eX2E ground state and subsequent unimolecular dissociation on the ground state to the H+H2CS products.