Stabilities and Electronic Spectra of C77N+ Isomers
Graphical Abstract
All of the possible 21 isomers for C77N+, an isoelectronic molecule of C78, were investigated by the INDO methods based on C78(C2V). It indicates from optimization that the most stable isomer is that the nitrogen atom substitutes C(78) located at the C(78)-C(73) bond passed through by the Y shortest axis and the atoms near the Z longest axis are also easy to substitute, whereas the atoms near the X shortest axis are relatively difficult to substitute. At the same time, C78 was compressed a little and ready to perform the further reaction to form C77 NR at the location of substitution. Electronic spectra of C77N+ were calculated by INDO/SCI method and electronic transition was theoretically assigned. The redshift of absorption peaks for electronic spectra of C77N+ took place compared with that of C78(C2V) because of its narrower LUMOHOMO energy gap. There are great differences in characteristic absorptions among C77N+ isomers, which can be considered as evidence of the formation for each isomer.