High Resolution Absorption Spectrum of Jet-cooled OCS Between 64150 and 65840 cm-1
Graphical Abstract
The absorption spectrum of OCS molecules under jet-cooled conditions has been measured between 64150 and 65840 cm-1 with a highly resolved tunable vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) laser (about 0.2 cm-1), generated by two-photon resonant four wave mixing process. During the experiment, the VUV intensities prior and posterior to the OCS absorption were monitored simultaneously in order to increase the sensitivity of absorption measurement, and the absorption sensitivity △I/I was determined to be 1%. The measured spectrum is essentially similar to the S(1S) photofragment excitation spectrum under similar conditions, indicating that the dissociation to produce S(1S) fragment is the main pathway. The difference between these kinds of spectra, however, implies the existence of other dissociation channels in addition to the S(1S) pathway.