Data Fit and Analysis for Pump-probe Experiment with Femtosecond Pulses Based on LabVIEW
Graphical Abstract
The pump-probe experiments for 1,3-dichlorobenzene in gas phase have been performed by femtosecond multiphoton ionization mass spectra at a pump pulse of 270 nm and a probe pulse of 810 nm by using our homebuilt femtosecond laser system. The models for the exponential process and quantum beat are presented to extract the photodissociation dynamics information from the data. A fitting and analyzing software which is programmed by graphical language LabVIEW has been developed for the experimental data. The Convolution, Levenberg Marquardt,and Deconvolution mathematics VIs of LabVIEW are used in this program to make the program much simpler than using other programming languages. The experimental data have been well fitted with this program. The results provide the lifetime of excited-state S1 and the frequency of quantum beat.