Synthesis and Photovoltaic Effect Study for Fullerene Complexe C60 Pd(Ph2PCH2PPh2)
Graphical Abstract
Fulerene complexe C60 Pd( Ph2PCH2PPh2)was perpared by the method of ligand substitution via the reaction of C60 with Pd(Ph2PCH2PPh2)2 under condition of a nitrogen atmosphere and refluxing,and the title compound was appraised and characterized by methods of elemental analysis,FT-IR,UV-vis,XPS and XRD. The results showed that the structure of purposeful product was that the Ph2PCH2PPh2 took up two coordination sites of the central metal,and C60 took up another two sites in σ-π feeback pattern. The porperties on photoelectricity,redox and thermostability of the title complexe were studied. The results of studying on photoelectricity showed that the photovoltaic effect of(n+n)heterojunction electrode formed by C60Pd(Ph2PCH2PPh2)/ GaAs was supper,especially in the BQ/ H2Q redox couple,and the greatest value of photovoltaic potential was up to 174 mV. The photovoltaic performance of C60Pd(Ph2PCH2PPh2)/GaAs electrode at 1 μm for thickness of C60Pd(Ph2PCH2PPh2)film was the best.