Density Function Theory Study on the Mechanisms of Reaction of BrONO2 with O(3P)
Graphical Abstract
The theoretic study of reaction between BrONO2 and O(3P) is reported by using the molecular orbital ab initio and density function theory (DFT). Equilibrium structural parameters, harmonic vibrational frequencies, total energy and zero energy of reactants, transition states, inter mediates and products during reactions are computed by B3LYP theory level with the basis set 6-311+G(d,p). The transition states and inter mediates of the reaction are verified by frequency analysis, and the relation ship of reactants, transition states, intermediates and products is affirmed by Intrinsic Reaction Coordinate(IRC) calculation. The activation energy of the reaction has also been calculated. Based on the optimized structure, the single point energy of all species is obtained by CCSD(T) with the basis set 6-311+G(d,p). The results show that there are three exothermic channels and their corresponding products are: cis-Br ONO + 3O2, trans-BrONO + 3O2 and BrOO+NO2. The activation energy of three channels is 91.58, 101.25, 51.17kJ/mol under B3LYP and 141.19, 148.39, 103.21 kJ/molunder CCSD(T) theory level. The third channel is the dominant channel.