The Semirigid Vibrating Rotor Target Model for Atom-polyatom Reaction:Application to F+CH2D2 →CH2D/CHD2+DF/HF
Graphical Abstract
The semirigid vibrating rotor target(SVRT)model is applied for the reaction F+CH2D2→CH2D/CHD2+DF/HF. The time-dependent wave packet approach is also used in the calculation. Reaction probabilities,crosssections,and rate constants are calculated for the title reaction from the ground state of the reagent on the modified J1(MJ1)potential energy surface(PES)for both channels. Numerical calculation shows the oscillatory structures in the energy dependence of the calculated reaction probability. Those structures are generally associated with broad dynamical resonances. They are smooth in the energy dependence of integral cross-sections due to summation over partial waves. The calculated rate constants are in good agreement with the experimental measurement.