Fabrication of TiO2 Microstructure
Graphical Abstract
The representative soft lithographic techniques are used,which are micromolding and microtransfer molding methods to fabricate the micro array patterned titanium dioxide on glass substrates. Firstly titanium dioxide sol was synthesized by sol-gel method using tetrabutyl titanate as the precursor,then the pre-patterned poly(dimethylsiloxane) elastomeric stamp was used to mold the TiO2 sol on glass substrate by micromolding and microtransfer molding methods,micro patterned TiO2 sol was gelled at 70℃ with 0. 5 N pressure applied on the PDMS stamp,further heat treatment of TiO2 gel by annealing at 550℃ for 2 h produced the TiO2 microstructure. The TiO2 microstructure was observed by the optical microscope and the optical micrographs demonstrated the satisfactory yield and fidelity of pattern transfer by micromolding method and microtransfer method. The effect of gel temperature,the pressure applied on the PDMS stamp and the silicone mold on the fidelity and yield of TiO2 microstructure are discussed.