Theoretical Study on the Hydrogen Bond Interaction between Adrenaline and Dimethyl Sulphoxide
Graphical Abstract
The hydrogen bond is one of the most important intermolecular interactions playing an important role in intermolecular recognition processes essential to most biological systems. Adrenaline is an important catecholamine neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system. Dimethyl sulphoxide can carry with it drugs across membranes. The geometries of adrenaline and six stable 1 : 1 complexes formed between adrenaline and dimethyl sulphoxide were optimized by Berny method at PM3 level and thus were optimized by density functional theory(B3LYP method)at the 6-31G,6-31G*,and 6-31+G* level respectively to obtain accurate structures. Single-point energies of all optimized molecular geometries were calculated to discuss the energies and structural parameters between reactants and products. All the binding energies have been corrected by the zero point vibrational energies(ZPVE)at varied basis set levels from 6-31G to 6-31 + G*. The results indicated that stronger hydrogen-bonded complexes were formed by molecular interaction between adrenaline and dimethyl sulphoxide. The calculation results can be better used to explain some experimental phenomena.