Pulsed Laser Photoacoustic Instrument Operating under Visible and Ultraviolet Range
Graphical Abstract
A pulsed laser photoacoustic (PA) instrument operating under visible and ultraviolet range was reported, which used a YAG pumped dye laser (width 8 ns, repetition rate 10 Hz) as the light source. Photoacoustic spectra of C2H2 overtone excitation and A1Au←X1Σ+g electronic transition were obtained using the instrument and the dependence of PA signal intensity on the sample pressure and the laser energy was measured. The application of pulsed PA to electronic transition was less reported before. Because of the simplification of its theoretical treatment and experimental operation, the pulsed PA instrument can replace resonant (or non-resonant) moderate cw PA instrument in almost all the cases except the ultra high-resolution spectroscopy. The difference between pulsed and cw moderate PA was also discussed in the text.