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    Wang Yuanxu, Su Xuantao, Zhong Weilie. Electronic Structure of Incipient Ferroelectric CaTiO3[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics , 2002, 15(1): 29-32. DOI: 10.1088/1674-0068/15/1/29-32
    Citation: Wang Yuanxu, Su Xuantao, Zhong Weilie. Electronic Structure of Incipient Ferroelectric CaTiO3[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics , 2002, 15(1): 29-32. DOI: 10.1088/1674-0068/15/1/29-32

    Electronic Structure of Incipient Ferroelectric CaTiO3

    • CaTiO3is widely used in electronic ceramic materials, it is also a key component of Synroc, a synthetic rock form used to immobilize nuclear waste. There has been considerable interest in the structure phase transitions of this typical perovskite oxide. As reported by Kennedyet al., CaTiO3is orthorhombic with space group Pbnm below 1380 K and belongs to another orthorhombic space group Cmcm between 1380 K and 1500K. At 1500 K, it transforms into tetragonal with space group I4/mcm. Above 1580 K, it becomes cubic with space group Pm3m. Lemanovet al.measured the dielectric properties of CaTiO3at low temperature, and classified it as an incipient ferroelectric or a quantum paraelectric. CaTiO3is called a“higher”quantum paraelectric because its dielectric constant saturates at higher temperature than that for other quantum paraelectrics such as SrTiO3and KTaO3. To understand the physics underlying these properties, first-principles calculation of the electronic structure is desirable. In order to understand the tendency of the CaTiO3cubic perovskite to suffer a ferroelectric transition, we calculated the electronic properties of CaTiO3for different displacement of Ti in the 001direction. At the experiment equilibrium volume (V/ V0=1.0), CaTiO3is not energetically favored with the proposed ferroelectric distortion. However, with a 10% volume expansion(V/ V0=1.1), the same displacement results in a shallow, but well defined double well. It implies that there is a tendency to ferroelectricity in cubic CaTiO3crystal. This is consistent with the experimental results that point out that CaTiO3is an incipient ferroelectric. From our calculation, the ferroelectric state can be induced by a negative pressure.The DOS of Ti d and O p atΔz=0.03 for V=V0shows there is a weak hybridization between Ti d and O p. While for a 10% volume expansion, this hybridization becomes stronger. Like other perovskites, it is this hybridization between Ti 3d and O 2p that weakens the short range repulsions and stabilizes the ferroelectricity. The strong hybridization implies that the interaction between Ti and O is highly covalent. This is consistent with the analysis of the total energy. From the calculated total energy, it is shown that CaTiO3has a tendency to a ferroelectric state in which the atom Ti displaces in the 001 direction. An analysis of the DOS and electric field gradients reveals that there is a hybridization between Ti 3d and O 2p. This hybridization is essential leading to the incipient ferroelectricity.
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