Laser Stimulated i-Butane Selective Oxidation to MAA on the Surface of Fe-Mo-O
Graphical Abstract
A complex oxide Fe-Mo-O was prepared by the coprecipitation mathod. The surface composition and structure, the chemsorption properties and the behaviors of Laser stimulated isobutane selective oxidation have been investigated by the techniques of XRD, IR, TPD and micro-reactor. There are both Lewis basic sites, O2-in the surface Mo=O or Mo-O-Fe bonds, and Lewis acid site Fe3+appeared on the surface of complex oxide. Two methyl hydrogens in isobutane molecule can be chemisorbed on the terminal oxygen of neighboring Mo=O bonds on the surface of complex oxide. Under the conditions of 0.1MPa and 200℃with the 995cm-1 Laser photons exited the Mo=O bonds 1000 times, the conversion of isobutane is about 5.8%, the reaction products are isobutene, MAL and MAA with the selectivity of MAA over 80%. Based on the experiment results, a mechanism of LSSR has been proposed for the isobutane selective oxidation to MAA.