Photodissociation of CS2+( 2 Πg) via (1+1) Excitation
Graphical Abstract
Photodissociation dynamics of CS2+molecular ions has been investigated by (1+two-photon resonance technique. CS2+were prepared by (3+1) resonance-enhanced multi-photon ionization (REMPI) of CS2molecules at 483. 2nm. The photofragment S+excitati (PHOFEX) spectra were recorded by scanning another laser in the 424~482nm region, and we assigned essentially to CS2+(~A2Πu,3/2(v′=0~4)←~X2Πg,3/2(0,0,0)) and (~A2Πu,1/2(v′=0,4)←~X2Πg,1/2(0,0,0)) (herev′=v1′+(1/2)v2′) transitions. The S+production channel wpreliminarily attributed to, (i) one-photon excitation CS2+from the ground state~X2Πgto texcited state~A2Πu; (ii) vibronic coupling between the~A2Πustate and the high vibrational lev in the~X2Πgstate; (iii) second photon excitation from the coupling vibrational levels to the excied state~B2Σu+and dissociation to produce S++ CS via the repulsive4Σ-state through spin-orb interaction between the~B2Σu+and4Σ-states.