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    Zhang Zhaochun, Cui Deliang, Huang Baibiao, Jiang Minhua. Pattern Recognition Analysis of Lattice-match and Thermo-match for Sample Collection Containing ZnO Semiconductor Material[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics , 2000, 13(5): 562-566. DOI: 10.1088/1674-0068/13/5/562-566
    Citation: Zhang Zhaochun, Cui Deliang, Huang Baibiao, Jiang Minhua. Pattern Recognition Analysis of Lattice-match and Thermo-match for Sample Collection Containing ZnO Semiconductor Material[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics , 2000, 13(5): 562-566. DOI: 10.1088/1674-0068/13/5/562-566

    Pattern Recognition Analysis of Lattice-match and Thermo-match for Sample Collection Containing ZnO Semiconductor Material

    • Some pattern recognition methods including dynamic clustering analysis, minimal spanning tree and principal component analysis have been used to recognize the extents of both lattice-match and thermo-matchat300KforthesamplescontainingZnOsemiconductormaterial. Fromthepatternrecognitionanal-ysis, it is concluded that there exists a lower lattice and thermal misfitsbetween ZnOand threeⅢ-Ⅴgroup nitrides. The results alsoshow that pattern recognition analysisseems to be asuitable tool toselect substrate or bufferlayerforepitaxygrowth, aswellastodesignoptoelectronicdevicesofblueandvioletlightsemicon-ductor materials, such as ZnO and GaN.
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