Studies on Adsorption System of Carbon Monoxide on Cs/Ru(1OO) Surface by Using Synchrotron Radiation
Graphical Abstract
The molecular orbits of CO are rearranged under the strong influence of coadsorbed Cs atoms. HREELS study shown that there are two molecular adsorption states of CO on a Cs pre-covered Ru(1010) surface. One with high C-O stretch frequency similar to that on clean Ru(1010) surface, the other with low C-O stretch frequency due to the strong short-range interaction between the CO molecule and the Cs atom. ARUPS experiment results shown the peak for CO on dean Ru(1010) surface, at 7.5eV BE attributed to the 5σ and 1πorbits, is split into two peaks with one at 6.3 eV BE and the other at 7.8 eV BE. Two concrete models has been proposed to describe the short-range alkali metal-CO interaction, the sp2 rehybridization model and the direct interaction model. The experiment results confirm that the sp2 rehybridization model must be reasonable. According this model, the Me-CO bond rehybridizes to sp2 forming new a and πt bonds (a1' b1' b2 orbits in the C2v point group) According The p-polarized ARUPS results, the peak at 6.3eV BE, comes from one of a π type lb2 orbits, shows an anti-symmetry character about the plane parallel to the <0001>crystallographic direction in the surface. Another π type orbit 1b1 is still at 7.8eV BE overlapping with 5a1 orbit.