248nm Laser Photolysis Studies of 1, 2- and 1, 4-Naphthaquinone with Kinetic Absorption Spectra
Graphical Abstract
The characterization of photochemistry of 1, 2- and 1, 4-NQ in neutral aqueous solution was investigated by using 248 nm laser photolysis kinetic absorption spectra equipment.It was found that the maximum absorption peak of 1, 2-NQ and 1,4-NQ cation radical all were around 380nm, but two new species were formed with the decay of 1,4-NQ cation radical with the maximum absorption at 410 and 580nm respectively, data analysis demonstrated that the species with absorption at 410nn was assigned to the dehydrogenated radical, and the absorption at 580 nm could be attributed to the transient product of electron transfer process.Whereas 1,2-NQ in neutral aqueous solution can be monophotonic ionized by 248 nm laser.