The State Distribution of NH2(2A1) Produced in the Collision of Ar(3P0,2)+NH3
Graphical Abstract
Study on the state distribution of nascent product NH2(2A1)in the reaction of Ar(3P0,2)+NH3 under beam condition has been reported firstly herein.The emission spectra of NH2(-) were assigned in detail.Most of the emission bands are attributed to(0,ν2',0)-(0,0,0)transition with ν2' 5,k'a≤6,J'≤10.Rotational temperature around b/c axis of level(0,2,0,K'a=1)is 1050K,which is higher than that of the parent NH3.It should be attributed to the recoil effect of collisive partner when Ar separates from NH3.