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    May Myat Moe, Jianbo Liu. Development of a Double-Well Potential upon Collisional Activation that Facilitates Proton Transfer in 9-Methyl-8-oxoguanine–9-Methyladenine Base-Pair Radical Cation†[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics , 2024, 37(3): 330-340. DOI: 10.1063/1674-0068/cjcp2312130
    Citation: May Myat Moe, Jianbo Liu. Development of a Double-Well Potential upon Collisional Activation that Facilitates Proton Transfer in 9-Methyl-8-oxoguanine–9-Methyladenine Base-Pair Radical Cation†[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics , 2024, 37(3): 330-340. DOI: 10.1063/1674-0068/cjcp2312130

    Development of a Double-Well Potential upon Collisional Activation that Facilitates Proton Transfer in 9-Methyl-8-oxoguanine–9-Methyladenine Base-Pair Radical Cation

    • 8-Oxoguanine (OG) is the most common oxidatively generated nucleobase damage and can mispair with adenine (A) in Hoogsteen mode during replication. Besides introducing the G·C→T·A transversion mutation, the OG·A base pair is vulnerable to ionizing radiation and one-electron oxidation owing to the lower ionization and oxidation potentials of OG than natural DNA nucleobases. Herein, we report the formation and collision-induced dissociation (CID) of the radical cation of a model base pair consisting of nucleoside-mimicking 9-methyl-8-oxoguanine (9MOG) and 9-methyladenine (9MA). The 9MOG·9MA•+ radical cation is formed in the gas phase by redox-separation of electrospray ionization-produced CuII-nucleobase complexes, and its CID is examined using guided-ion beam tandem mass spectrometry. Measurement included kinetic energy-dependent dissociation product ions and cross sections, from which the product pairs of 9MOG – H+ 9MA+H+ (major dissociation channel) and 9MOG•+ + 9MA (minor) were detected with 0 K dissociation threshold energies of 1.8 and 1.65 eV, respectively. The 9MOG·9MA•+ structures were examined using density functional theory, and important conformations were all featured by complete intra-base pair proton transfer as 9MOG – H·9MA+H+. On the other hand, the production of 9MOG•++9MA in dissociation required a 9MOG•+·9MA intermediate. The results were rationalized by the discovery of a double-well potential that evolves on the reaction potential energy surface of the collisionally activated base pair, leading to the proton-transfer equilibrium of excited (9MOG – H·9MA+H+)* \rightleftharpoons (9MOG•+·9MA)*. The combined experimental and theoretical work provides insight into the less intuitive aspects of this biologically-important, non-canonical base pair, especially its opening upon oxidative and ionization damage.
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