Fine-Structure Branching Ratios N(2D5/2)/N(2D3/2) above Threshold N(2D5/2,3/2)+N(2D5/2,3/2) for 14N2 and 15N2†
Graphical Abstract
Accurate measurements of the product spin-orbit fine-structure branching ratios are important for understanding the detailed photodissociation dynamics of small molecules. In this study, the atomic spin-orbit fine-structure branching ratio N(2D5/2)/N(2D3/2) to the dissociation channel N(2D5/2,3/2)+N(2D5/2,3/2) is measured for the c4 '1\Sigma _\rmu^+(v '=6) and b '1\Sigma _\rmu^+ (v '=21) states of 14N2, and the b '1\Sigma _\rmu^+ (v '=20) and b '1\Sigma _\rmu^+ (v '=21) states of 15N2 by using the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV)-pump-VUV-probe time-sliced velocity-mapped ion imaging setup. The measurements show that the fine-structure branching ratio N(2D5/2)/N(2D3/2) is independent of the rotational level of the parent molecule (14N2 or 15N2) in each vibronic state, while it does show dependence on the vibronic characteristics. It is ~1.35 for the c4 '1\Sigma _\rmu^+ (v '=6) state of 14N2 and b '1\Sigma _\rmu^+ (v '=20) state of 15N2, which are both close to the dissociation threshold N(2D5/2,3/2)+N(2D5/2,3/2); while it becomes ~1.00 for the b '1\Sigma _\rmu^+ (v '=21) state of both 14N2 and 15N2, which are relatively far above the dissociation threshold. A possible change from a statistical process near the threshold to a diabatic process far above the threshold might have occurred to be responsible for the observed vibronic dependence of the branching ratio. Detailed informations on the potential energy curves and their mutual couplings near the dissociation threshold are highly desired for understanding the present experimental measurement.