Mode Specificity Dynamics of Prototypical Multi-Channel H+CH3OH Reaction on Globally Accurate Potential Energy Surface
Graphical Abstract
The H+CH _3 OH reaction, which plays an important role in combustion and the interstellar medium, presents a prototypical system with multiple channels. In this work, mode specific dynamics of different product channels is investigated theoretically on a recently developed reliable potential energy surface based on a large number of data points calculated at the level of UCCSD(T)-F12a/AVTZ. It has been demonstrated that vibrational excitations of the O - H stretching motion, the torsional motion, the C - H stretching vibrations, show different influences on the four product channels, H _2 +CH _3 O, H _2 +CH _2 OH, H _2 O+CH _3 , and H+CH _3 OH. This work is helpful for understanding the mode-specific dynamics and controlling the competition for complicated reactions with multiple product channels.