Effects of Surface Defects on Adsorption of CO and Methyl Groups on Rutile TiO_\text2(110)
Graphical Abstract
The interaction of reactants with catalysts has always been an important subject for catalytic reactions. As a promising catalyst with versatile applications, titania has been intensively studied for decades. In this work we have investigated the role of bridge bonded oxygen vacancy (O_\textrmv) in methyl groups and carbon monoxide (CO) adsorption on rutile TiO_2(110) (R-TiO_2(110)) with the temperature programmed desorption technique. The results show a clear different tendency of the desorption of methyl groups adsorbed on bridge bonded oxygen (O_\textrmb), and CO molecules on the five coordinate Ti^4+ sites (Ti_5\textrmc) as the O_\textrmv concentration changes, suggesting that the surface defects may have crucial influence on the absorption of species on different sites of R-TiO_2(110).