Iterative Multireference Configuration Interaction
Graphical Abstract
Iterative multireference configuration interaction (IMRCI) is proposed. It is exploited to compute the electronic energies of H_2O and CH_2 (singlet and triplet states) at equilibrium and non-equilibrium geometries. The potential energy curves of H_2O, CH_2 (singlet and triplet states) and N_2 have also been calculated with IMRCI as well as the Møller Plesset perturbation theory (MP2, MP3, and MP4), the coupled cluster method with single and double substitutions (CCSD), and CCSD with perturbative triples correction (CCSD(T)). These calculations demonstrate that IMRCI results are independent of the initial guess of configuration functions in the reference space and converge quickly to the results of the full configuration interaction. The IMRCI errors relative to the full configuration interaction results are at the order of magnitude of 10^-5 hartree within just 2-4 iterations. Further, IMRCI provides an efficient way to find on the potential energy surface the leading electron configurations which, as correct reference states, will be very helpful for the single-reference and multireference theoretical models to obtain accurate results.