Absorption Spectrum of Neutral Krypton in the Near Infrared Region
Graphical Abstract
High-resolution absorption spectra of atomic krypton in the range of 11870-12700 cm?1 were recorded by employing concentration modulation absorption spectroscopy technique with a tunable single-mode cw Ti:Sapphire laser. The krypton atoms were excited to the absorbing energy states by discharge-burning in a mixture of helium and krypton. A total of 120 lines of neutral krypton were observed, among them 33 lines had already been classified in previous studies, 45 lines were newly classi ed with the known energy levels, and 42 lines cannot be classi ed. These unclassified lines indicate that up to now unknown energy levels of Kr must exist. Further, an analysis of the unclassi ed lines to get possible new energy levels with a classi cation program is reported.