Ab Initio Calculation on Spectroscopic Properties and Radiative Lifetimes of Low-Lying Excited States of NaK
Graphical Abstract
We performed high-level ab initio calculations on electronic structure of NaK. The potential energy curves (PECs) of 10 Λ-S states correlated with the three lowest dissociation limits have been calculated. On the basis of the calculated PECs, the spectroscopic constants of the bound??-S states are obtained, which are in good agreement with experimental results. The maximum vibrational quantum numbers of the singlet ground state X1Σ+ and the triplet ground state a3Σ+ have been analyzed with the semiclassical scattering theory. Transition properties including transition dipole moments, Franck-Condon factors, and radiative lifetimes have been investigated. The research results indicate that such calculations can provide fairly reliable estimation of parameters for the ultracold alkali diatomic molecular experiment.