Imaging the Dissociation Dynamics of Si2+ via Two-Photon Excitation at 193 nm
Graphical Abstract
In the one-color experiment at 193 nm, we studied the photodissociation of Si2+ ions prepared by two-photon ionization using the time-sliced ion velocity map imaging method. The Si+ imaging study shows that Si2+ dissociation results in two distinct channels: Si(3Pg)+Si+(2Pu) and Si(1D2)+Si+(2Pu). The main channel Si(3Pg)+Si+(2Pu)) is produced by the dissociation of the Si2+ ions in more than one energetically available excited electronic state, which are from the ionization of Si2(v=0-5). Particularly, the dissociation from the vibrationally excited Si2(v=1) shows the strongest signal. In contrast, the minor Si(1D2)+Si+(2Pu) channel is due to an avoided crossing between the two 22Πg states in the same symmetry. It has also been observed the one-photon dissociation of Si2+(X4Σg-) into Si(1D2)+Si+(2Pu) products with a large kinetic energy release.