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    Ye Xia, Fei Wang, Ren-nian Wang, Kun-hui Liu, Hong-mei Su. Reaction Kinetics between Thiobases and Singlet Oxygen Studied by Direct Detection of the 1O2 Luminescence Decay[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics , 2019, 32(1): 93-98. DOI: 10.1063/1674-0068/cjcp1811268
    Citation: Ye Xia, Fei Wang, Ren-nian Wang, Kun-hui Liu, Hong-mei Su. Reaction Kinetics between Thiobases and Singlet Oxygen Studied by Direct Detection of the 1O2 Luminescence Decay[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics , 2019, 32(1): 93-98. DOI: 10.1063/1674-0068/cjcp1811268

    Reaction Kinetics between Thiobases and Singlet Oxygen Studied by Direct Detection of the 1O2 Luminescence Decay

    • Thiobase derivatives have received important investigations due to their wide usage as phototherapeutic agents and their potential carcinogenic side effects as immunosuppressants. The substitution of oxygen atom by the sulfur atom makes the ultraviolet absorption of thiobases redshifted and absorbs UVA light (>300 nm), resulting in unusual high quantum yield of triplet state to generate the singlet oxygen (1O2) through photosensitization. As a type of reactive oxygen species, 1O2 is highly reactive toward thiobases. Herein, we report the measurements of reaction rate constants between di erent thiobases and 1O2 in different solvents through the direct detection of 1O2 luminescence decay kinetics at 1270 nm. The rate constants of thiouracils with 1O2 are five times smaller than that of thioguanine with 1O2, which suggests that thiopurines are more reactive than thiopyrimidines and thus less suitable to be a photosensitive drug on the application of photodynamic therapy. Additionally, the rate constants of thiobases and 1O2 were found to be obviously influenced by the solvent polarity. With the increase of solvent polarity, the rate constants of thiobases and 1O2 decrease.
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