Phosphorene-Based van der Waals Heterojunction for Solar Water Splitting
Graphical Abstract
As a clean and renewable future energy source, hydrogen fuel can be produced via solar water splitting. Two-dimensional (2D) black phosphorene (black-P) can harvest visible light due to the desirable band gap, which promises it as a metal-free photocatalyst. However, black-P can be only used to produce hydrogen since the oxidation potential of water locates lower than the position of the valence band maximum. To improve the photocatalytic performance of black-P, here, using black-P and blue phosphorene (blue-P) monolayers, we propose a 2D van der Waals (vdW) heterojunction. Theoretical results, including the band structures, density of states, Bader charge population, charge density di erence, and optical absorption spectra, clearly reveal that the visible light absorption ability is obviously improved, and the band edge alignment of the proposed vdW heterojunction displays a typical type-II feature to effectively separate the photogenerated carriers. At the same time, the built-in interfacialelectric field prevents the electron-hole recombination. These predictions suggest that the examined phosphorene-based vdW heterojunction is an efficient photocatalyst for solar water splitting.