Efficient Preparation of D2 Molecules in v=2 by Stimulated Raman Pumping
Graphical Abstract
We report the preparation of D2 molecules in v=2 level in molecular beam condition. A single longitudinal mode laser system was used for excitation of D2 from (v=0, j=0) to (v=2, j=0) with the scheme of stimulated Raman pumping. An excitation efficiency of 25.2% has been achieved, which was determined by the scheme of resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization. Dependence of relative excitation efficiency on laser energy has been measured. We found that the increasing rate of excitation efficiency became slower as pulse energy of Stokes laser increase, while the excitation efficiency still increases approximately linearly with pump pulse energies up to 60 mJ. The spectral line shapes of Raman transition was also measured at different laser energies and considerable dynamical Stark effect was observed. A single peak was found on the three dimension surface of relative excitation efficiency, indicating the process occurred in the present study is a process of stimulated Raman pumping instead of stimulated adiabatic Raman passage.