Geometric Design of Anode-Supported Micro-Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cells by Multiphysics Simulations
Graphical Abstract
High volumetric power density (VPD) is the basis for the commercial success of micro-tubular solid oxide fuel cells (mtSOFCs). To find maximal VPD (MVPD) for anode-supported mtSOFC (as-mtSOFC), the effects of geometric parameters on VPD are analyzed and the anode thickness, tan, and the cathode length, lca, are identified as the key design parameters. Thermo-fluid electrochemical models were built to examine the dependence of the electrical output on the cell parameters. The multiphysics model is validated by reproducing the experimental I-V curves with no adjustable parameters. The optimal lca and the corresponding MVPDs are then determined by the multiphysics model for 20 combinations of rin, the inner tube radius, and tan. And all these optimization are made at 1073.15 K. The results show that:(i) significant performance improvement may be achieved by geometry optimization, (ii) the seemingly high MVPD of 11 and 14 W/cm3 can be easily realized for as-mtSOFC with single-and double-terminal anode current collection, respectively. Moreover, the variation of the area specific power density with lca2(2 mm, 40 mm) is determined for three representative (rin, tan) combinations. Besides, it is demonstrated that the current output of mtSOFC with proper geometric parameters is comparable to that of planar SOFC.