A New kHz Velocity Map Ion/Electron Imaging Spectrometer for Femtosecond Time-Resolved Molecular Reaction Dynamics Studies
Graphical Abstract
A new velocity map imaging spectrometer is constructed for molecular reaction dynamics studies using time-resolved photoelectron/ion spectroscopy method.By combining a kHz pulsed valve and an ICCD camera,this velocity map imaging spectrometer can be run at a repetition rate of 1 kHz,totally compatible with the fs Ti:Sapphire laser system,facilitating time-resolved studies in gas phase which are usually time-consuming.Time-resolved velocity map imaging study of NH3 photodissociation at 200 nm was performed and the time-resolved total kinetic energy release spectrum of H+NH2 products provides rich information about the dissociation dynamics of NH3.These results show that this new apparatus is a powerful tool for investigating the molecular reaction dynamics using time-resolved methods.