Modulation of Self-healing of Polyion Complex Hydrogel by Ion-specific Effects
Graphical Abstract
We have prepared polyion complex (PIC) hydrogel consisting of poly(3-(methacryloylami no) propyl-trimethylamonium chloride) and poly(sodium p-styrenesulfonate) polyelectrolytes via a two-step polymerization procedure and have investigated specific ion effects on the selfhealing of the PIC hydrogel. Our study demonstrates that the mechanical properties of the PIC hydrogel are strongly dependent on the type of the ions doped in the hydrogel. The ion-specific effects can be used to modulate the self-healing efficiency of the PIC hydrogel. As the doped anions change from kosmotrops to chaotropes, the self-healing efficiency of the PIC hydrogel increases. A more chaotropic anion has a stronger ability to break the ionic bonds formed within the hydrogel, leading to a higher efficiency during the healing.