Response Ability to External Signal Enhanced by Biological Spatial Con guration in Coupled Hindmarsh-Rose Neural System
Graphical Abstract
The effect of realistic topology configuration of intercellular connections on the response ability in coupled cell system is numerically investigated by using the Hindmarsh-Rose model. For the proper coupling intensity, we set the control parameter to be near the critical value, and the external stimulus is introduced to the first cell in coupled system. It is found that, on one hand, when the cells are coupled with some proper topological structures, the external stimulus could transmit through the system, and shows better response ability and higher sensitivity. On the other hand, the in uence of topological configuration on the synchronous ability and selection effect of neural system are also discussed. Our results display that the topology of coupled system may play an important role in the process of signal propagation, which could help us to understand the coordinated performance of cells in tissue.