Construction of the Apparatus for Two Dimensional Electronic Spectroscopy and Characterization of the Instrument
Graphical Abstract
This work describes the construction of a phase-stable two dimensional electronic spectrometer operating in a photon echo mode with optical heterodyne detection, where the diffractive optics were used to realize the passive phase stabilization. In addition, a high speed and sensitive EMCCD was configured for shot-to-shot measurement which effectively improved signal-to-noise ratio. Consequently, the phase stability between a pulse pair split by the diffractive optics was determined in terms of standard deviation to be λ/200 during an observation period of 30 min, while the phase stability of the photon echo signal measured with IR140 is λ/90 in 19 min. In addition, a method of phase-shift in the pump pulse is also presented, which can effectively remove the interference from scattering light in collection of pump-probe transient absorption spectrum. The phase-shift method can improve the accuracy of phase adjustment in 2D electronic spectrum of scattering samples.