Upconversion Luminescence from Ho3+ and Yb3+ Codoped α-NaYF4 Single Crystals
Graphical Abstract
The Ho3+/Yb3+ co-doped α-NaYF4 single crystal was grown successfully for the first time by a modified Bridgman method in which KF was used as assisting flux and a large temperature gradient (70-90 oC/cm) of solid-liquid interface was adopted. Upconversion emissions at green ~544 nm, red ~657 and ~751 nm were obtained under 980 nm laser diode excitation. The intensity at ~544 nm was much stronger than those of ~657 and ~751 nm. The mechanisms of the upconversion emissions were investigated by studying the relationship between the upconversion intensity and pump power. The optimized Yb3+ concentration was about 8.08 mol% when Ho3+ concentration was hold at about 1.0 mol%. The results showed that Ho3+/Yb3++ doped α-NaYF4 single crystal was a possible candidate upconversion material for the green solid-state laser.