Synthesis and Characterization of ZnO Bicrystalline Nanosheets Grown via Ag-Au Alloy Catalyst (cited: 1)
Graphical Abstract
ZnO bicrystalline nanosheets have been synthesized by using AgxAu1-x alloy catalyst via the vapor transport and condensation method at 650 oC. High resolution transmission electron microscopy characterization reveals a twin boundary with 01-13 plane existing in the bicrystalline. A series of control experiments show that both AgxAu1-x alloy catalyst and high supersaturation of Zn vapor are prerequisites for the formation of ZnO bicrystalline nanosheet. Moreover, it is found that the density of ZnO bicrytalline nanosheets can be tuned through varying the ratio of Ag to Au in the alloy catalyst. The result demonstrates that new complicated nanostructures can be produced controllably with appropriate alloy catalyst.